This is an undergraduate level course recommended for high schoolers, strctured to be completed in 12 weeks. It covers the topics of space, time, mass, force, momentum, torque, and angular momentum. […]
Classical Mechanics – Physics

This is an undergraduate level course recommended for high schoolers, strctured to be completed in 12 weeks. It covers the topics of space, time, mass, force, momentum, torque, and angular momentum. […]
This course takes high schoolers through interesting questions we tend to have including ones about the existince of parallel universes or aliens. It’s a fun way to take students through physics concepts. […]
This course presents an overview of Calculus using real life situations, videos, slide decks, and practice problems. This is one of several courses in a collection from across MIT that are appropriate for High Schoolers since at least at MIT, students are expected to have taken Calculus before. […]
Split into 10 weeks of material and lecture content, this course is designed for high schoolers by MIT students. It delves into Combinatorics, a branch of mathematics that has importance applications in Machine Learning, Artitifical Intelligence, Software Engineering and more. […]
The website link will point you to a list of engineering resources for high schoolers. Some are undergraduate level courses that are considered appropriate and recommended for high schoolers, and a couple are courses designed specifically for high schoolers by MIT students. It would be useful to glance at each course, as they are all […]
Read More… from High School Engineering Courses Developed or Recommended by MIT
Interview series with researchers which discusses the journeys of various people, story of the day to day life in the field of AI. […]
In each episode of The Robot Brains, Prof. Pieter Abbeel leading experts in AI Robotics from all over the world, discusses various challenges, how far we have come in the mission to create concious, mindful machines and rational robots. […]
In 6 chapters, the goal of this course is to get everyone who uses it to understand what artificial intelligence is, what is possible with it, and how it affects our lives. […]
Meant for aspiring machine learning practitioners, this course offers 25 lessons, 30+ exercises, real world case studies, and more to give you a practical introduction to machine learning. […]
This NASA hosted site provides educational lessons and videos as well as hands-on activity plans regarding Aeronautics concepts. […]
This site lists ESA’s robots, activities and resources for students and teachers […]
This CSA site provides activities, lesson plans, videos and more to help youth learn about science and technology. […]
Read More… from Canadian Space Agency’s Science education resources