This video series explains what is meant by autonomy in robotic vehicles and explores the challenges in navigating unmapped or changing environments. Video topics include: path planning, object tracking, and SLAM algorithms. […]
Read More… from Autonomous Navigation with MATLAB
This video discusses how we can control a robot’s motors to have it follow straight and curved line paths. This handout covers a lesson review and questions that encourge students to apply mathematics to caluculate a robot’s tradgectory. […]
Read More… from Lesson 108: Robot Controls
This video discusses how a robot can “see” things around it by converting polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates in order to make a map. This handout covers a lesson review and questions that encourge students to apply mathematics to keep track of position of obstacles on a map. […]
Read More… from Lesson 107: Robot Sensing and Mapping
This video discusses how a robot can sense the world it around it using cameras as well as determine the distance to objects using multiple cameras. This handout covers a lesson review and questions that encourage students to use mathematics to compute robot distance to particular features. […]
Read More… from Lesson 106: Robot Vision
This video discusses how a robot moves by using math to predict future positions given the robot’s model and the equations of motion. This handout covers a lesson review and question that encourage students to use mathematics to determine the orientation the robot is facing. […]
Read More… from Lesson 105: Robot Motion
This video discusses how robots keep track of position as the robot moves, and update their position with math using ranges to known landmarks. This handout covers a lesson review and questions that encourage studnets to use mathematics to have robots find their position on a map relative to landmarks. […]
Read More… from Lesson 104: Robot Localization
This video explores the different ways to measure distances, speeds, time, and other items important to robots. This handout covers a lesson review and questions that encourage students to gain practice using the metric system for robotics. […]
Read More… from Lesson 103: Robot Measurement
No prior knowledge of LaTex required, this written guide serves to introduce you to the basic functions of LaTex by walking you through writing your first LaTex document. […]
Read More… from LaTeX in 30 minutes
This video focuses on how a robot can break down its tasks into sensing the surroundings, planning what to do next, then executing the plan. […]
Read More… from Lesson 102: Sense, Plan, Act Framework
This video focuses on robot design elements: locomotion, end-effectors, appearance and how they relate to a robot’s purpose. This handout covers a lesson review and questions that encourage students to think about what kind of design decisions would need to be made for a particular robot task. […]
Read More… from Lesson 101: Robotics – An Introduction